The Canberra Times

What do businesses stand to gain from high-speed internet?

Fast internet speed is essential to any business's growth, profitability and long-term success. Photo by Nothing Ahead
Fast internet speed is essential to any business's growth, profitability and long-term success. Photo by Nothing Ahead

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Business owners have much to consider when setting up their company. Not least the speed of their internet service. Indeed, fast internet speed is essential to any business's growth, profitability and long-term success. This is especially true in our increasingly digitised day and age, where almost every business depends on the internet to run its daily operations.

So, what are some key benefits a business owner will gain by ensuring they've secured the fastest possible internet service? First, there's increased productivity and efficiency. Next, the facilitation of speedy online communication, connection and collaboration among employees. This is, of course, particularly important with more and more employees choosing to work remotely today. Then, there's also the question of network security, which can be bolstered by using a secure, high-speed internet service. Of course, there is also the added benefit of reduced overhead costs enabled by having faster internet.

But how to access all of these benefits and secure the best high-speed internet service for your business? Just keep reading as we uncover and discuss further.

High-speed internet services: how to find the best fast internet service provider for your business

As an independent and non-NBN network, Gigabit Internet offers customers ultra-fast internet speeds. Photo by Miguel Padrin
As an independent and non-NBN network, Gigabit Internet offers customers ultra-fast internet speeds. Photo by Miguel Padrin

When it comes to finding the best high-speed internet provider for your business, there's certainly a lot of competition out there. In an over-saturated marketplace, many different internet service providers and networks exist - including the NBN (also known as Australia's National Broadband Network). However, by selecting gigabit internet in Australia for your business's internet service, you can rest assured that you have made an excellent choice.

As an independent and non-NBN network, Gigabit Internet offers customers ultra-fast internet speeds. Importantly, the internet service that Giganet Internet provides gives users access to internet speeds that are 10 times faster than the average network. Essentially, they do this by using an innovative new digital technology known as Smart Wifi, which can enable unprecedentedly high internet speeds of up to 1000 Mbps or Megabits Per Second - the unit of measurement applicable to measure broadband internet speeds.

Undoubtedly, these ultra-high internet speeds are essential for business. Indeed, faster internet has many benefits for all different types of businesses. For starters, these benefits can include increased efficiency, user accessibility, productivity, better communication, reduced costs, and increased security - just to name a few.

The benefits: why high-speed internet is essential to business growth, profitability and long-term success

There are many reasons why a high-speed internet service is essential for business. Some of the top reasons for this include:

Increased productivity

Without a doubt, high internet speeds can assist in enabling increased levels of productivity. This is because employees do not need to sit around and wait for website pages, applications, or software programs to open, start-up, and eventually load. As such, workers can jump straight into their tasks at hand without having to experience any lagging or delays. As a result of this increased efficiency and lessened delays, high-speed internet can also aid in reducing stress and frustration. This is because employees can have their assigned tasks completed more speedily, efficiently, and effectively - as speedier downloads and access to websites and programs can aid in avoiding this common gripe with standard internet loading speeds. To explain this - faster downloads and access result from high-speed internet providers' ability to offer increased network latency. In other words, network latency refers to how long it takes for internet data to load.

More efficient workflows

High-speed internet is also essential to facilitate effective communication and collaboration in the workplace. This is especially true for employees who are working remotely or from home. Importantly, remote workers are reliant on video calling and conferencing software such as Zoom and Microsoft Teams to connect and communicate with their colleagues. As such, they need speedy and stable internet connections to be able to use these programs effectively. In addition to this, high-speed internet can also enable remote workers to feel less isolated and more connected to their place of employment.

Reduced overhead costs

It goes without saying - reducing costs and overheads is one of the most important and main priorities for being a business owner. And as a result of increased productivity, speedier communication, and more efficiency, high-speed internet can directly impact the cost of running a business positively. This is because using a high-speed internet service takes employees less time, energy and effort to complete tasks. And, as the saying goes, time is money. In addition to this, due to the speed and efficiency of faster internet providers, high-speed internet networks can support and host more users on the same server. As such, increased user accessibility on one internet server also helps to reduce the costs and overheads associated with running a business.

Increased security

Another benefit of high internet speed is increased network security. This is because, often, the network circuits that high-speed internet service providers utilise can allow for a greater level of protection against cyber crimes such as data hacking and spamming. This is extremely important for any business, as company servers usually store sensitive information and data within their business network. As such, external hacking of business software programs must be prevented at all costs.

Businesses have much to gain from utilising high-speed internet! Having a faster internet connection can result in increased productivity levels, enhanced efficiency, and, perhaps most importantly, less stress in the workplace. As we all know, happy employees result in more productive workplaces! However, ensuring that your business is operating as profitably as possible is also just as important. The increased productivity and efficiency that high-speed internet allows can assist with this. Perhaps even more important, though, is the increased level of security that high-speed internet can provide to businesses. Protecting business information and sensitive data is essential. And, crucially, using high-speed internet can help ensure this.